(#cs3mjwa) We cannot bulletproof it, no matter which solution we use. If somethings changes, most likely something breaks. However a Nick+Timestamp is fairly unique hash, even if someone for whatever reason had the same nick. For display nick@url would make that unique and recognizable again.


(#pqhbula) Well, as for a new UUID itā€™s a thought to combine the timestamp+username or timestamp+url to create a unique id. In this scenario I think the first would probably be favourable. This way if someone decides to use a different url (most likely they will stick to their nickname) UUIDā€™s will still hold up.

Adding to that, we could implement a version variable in the meta, adapt code to either read the old or new format UUID, so older threads wonā€™t break.


(#lnlbnsq) Well I have been working on an update of Timeline, mainly improving speed. Getting a multiple of feeds can really become a big fetch. So I would advocate for ideas to maintain performance.

Regardings your points:

  1. Agreed, but at the moment date+txt creates the unique timestamp
  2. Preferably newest twt as the last line, will make for more structure.


(#4w3ilsa) More interesting aspects about Antenna:

At first, I thought that Antenna acted like a ā€œtraditionalā€ blog aggregator, but thatā€™s not really the case. You know, with a blog aggregator, you would normally contact the owner and ask them to include your feed. That step is not needed with Antenna.

So, when someone publishes a blog/gemlog post and you would like to ā€œreplyā€ to it, you can just do that: Write your post and then publish the link on Antenna. This means your Gemini capsule doesnā€™t need to be well known in order to participate. If I read something interesting and would like to reply, I could do that right now ā€“ instead of having to wait for the webmaster of the aggregator to include/unlock my feed.

Also, itā€™s just arbitrary Gemini links in Antenna ā€“ unlike a blog aggregator, where everything is a blog post. So I just saw someone publishing a link titled ā€œA wild twtxt appearsā€ and thatā€™s just a link to their twtxt file.

In many ways, this thing is a bit more like a forum than a blog aggregator. Or maybe you could also call it a ā€œbusā€.


(#zloep2q) @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Ahh, I see. So itā€™s not really a drama. šŸ˜…

(When the spec says ā€œcontent is UTF-8ā€, then it kind of follows for me that I should set Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8. Lots of feeds donā€™t do that, though, which is why jenny ignores the header altogether and always decodes as UTF-8.)


Aujourdā€™hui, petits changements de formatage de mes documents sur le style RFC. Le titre apparaĆ®t dĆ©sormais au centre et en haut de page. On a aussi la date de rĆ©daction suivie de la date de derniĆØre mise Ć  jour. Que cā€™est beau :)


(#tukxcsq) @prologic@twtxt.net YES James, it should be up to the client to deal with changes like edits and deletions. And putting this load on the clients, location-addressing with make this a lot easier since what is says it: Look in this file at this timestamp, did anything change or went missing? (And then threading will not break;)


(#j63urka) (#<2024-09-24T12:45:54Z https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>) @prologic@twtxt.net Iā€™m not really buying this one about readability. Itā€™s easy to recognize that this is a URL and a date, so you skim over it like you would we mentions and markdown links and images. If you are not suppose to read the raw file, then we might a well jam everything into JSON like mastodon


(#a73p7ma) (#<2024-09-24T12:44:35Z https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>) There is a increase in space/memory for sure. But calculating the hashes also takes up CPU. Iā€™m not good with that kind of math, but itā€™s a tradeoff either way.


(#rksyfja) (#<2024-09-24T12:39:32Z https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>) @prologic@twtxt.net It might be simple for you to run echo -e "\t\t" | sha256sum | base64, but for people who are not comfortable in a terminal and got their dev env set up, then that is magic, compared to the simplicity of just copy/pasting what you see in a textfile into another textfile ā€“ Basically what @movq@www.uninformativ.de also said. Iā€™m also on team extreme minimalism, otherwise we could just use mastodon etc. Replacing line-breaks with a tab would also make it easier to handwrite your twtxt. You donā€™t have to hardwrite it, but at least you should have the option to. Just as i do with all my HTML and CSS.
