(#owkdycq) @prologic@twtxt.net To further clarify, this missing post id tag behavior is happening within a conversation view rather than out in the main timeline- maybe it’s a bug?
(#owkdycq) @prologic@twtxt.net Oh well, I can work around it manually for the time being now that I know what’s up.
(#owkdycq) @prologic@twtxt.net Hmm, interesting. My original interpretation was that the (#hash) was hidden by yarn.social’s UI, but then when I saw it turn up in the UI for some posts I started to get confused because my incorrect expectation was that a (#hash) would either always be exposed or always hidden and a mix of the two never occurred to me.
As far as GO knowledge I have some casual programming experience and have looked at the source a little, but I wasn’t able to identify the relevant parts of the code base. I am interested in understanding further, although I’m not sure how much I can contribute.