👋 Hello @anx@twtxt.net, welcome to twtxt.net, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod’s Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⨁ Follow
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(#womrxga) @support@twtxt.net Hi! I’m hosting my own twtxt.txt, can I customise my URL to that one?
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net I apologise, I’m new to this, probably mixing the concepts by now… I see some users that when I click on their Twtxt link it takes me to their self-hosted twtxt.txt.
@anx@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net (#womrxga) O-o, you are? That would be great, really. I have been pondering about replacing my locally hosted feed by this one by cron’ing a wget or something like that…
@tkanos@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net (#womrxga) Awesome, looking forward to use it!
(#womrxga) @mckinley@twtxt.net Thank you! You even better described what I wanted to achieve :D
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net From a little that I understand about this, wouldn’t that make people discovering duplicated posts? One coming from original local and another entry synced to a local feed in twtxt.net.
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net Oh that is neat. Thank you for your patience clearing these basic doubts.
(#womrxga) @mutefall@twtxt.net Thank you for that. I’m loving it so far :D
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net Twtxting from terminal is addictive :D