I have not thought about this, but Mike seems to have a point here https://mikegerwitz.com/about/githubbub. Maybe I should switch all my projects from github.com to my own gitea or to envs.net?
(#xtz5lkq) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net I am sure your own Gitea install will not last as long as GitHub. Same applies to having your repositories on envs.net. But that aside. Is Mike centring all his complains on GitHub JS usage? Pfff! Dear lord. 😒
(#xtz5lkq) @movq@www.uninformativ.de I meant odds are one own self hosting will not last as long as GitHub. Many factors might influence the impermanence of self-hosting. Now, as with everything, there might be exceptions (you may consider yourself one, for example).
(#xtz5lkq) @prologic@twtxt.net what makes a repo worthwhile? Even the least seemingly important, or interesting, might have some use, sometime, somewhere.
If the history of mankind relied on self hosting, we would have no history. Or a very incomplete one.