

I'm going to stop putting things off, starting tomorrow.

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Recent Twts

Recent twts from Codebuzz

(#cs3mjwa) We cannot bulletproof it, no matter which solution we use. If somethings changes, most likely something breaks. However a Nick+Timestamp is fairly unique hash, even if someone for whatever reason had the same nick. For display nick@url would make that unique and recognizable again.


(#pqhbula) Well, as for a new UUID it’s a thought to combine the timestamp+username or timestamp+url to create a unique id. In this scenario I think the first would probably be favourable. This way if someone decides to use a different url (most likely they will stick to their nickname) UUID’s will still hold up.

Adding to that, we could implement a version variable in the meta, adapt code to either read the old or new format UUID, so older threads won’t break.


(#lnlbnsq) Well I have been working on an update of Timeline, mainly improving speed. Getting a multiple of feeds can really become a big fetch. So I would advocate for ideas to maintain performance.

Regardings your points:

  1. Agreed, but at the moment date+txt creates the unique timestamp
  2. Preferably newest twt as the last line, will make for more structure.
