(#urcykrq) then again, since I self-host, and since posts are ultimately in twtxt format, it’s very easy to to save data and migrate out.
Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm a computer scientist
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You are also free to Unfollow or Mute this user or feed. Muting will also remove that user/feed's content from your view and you will no longer see content from that user/feed anywhere.
@abucci does not follow you (they may not see your replies!)
(#urcykrq) then again, since I self-host, and since posts are ultimately in twtxt format, it’s very easy to to save data and migrate out.
I’m always intrigued by new platforms like this one, but they are hindered by a lack of users. Unless you’re draw in by an existing community, you end up talking into the void, or to yourself @testuser@anthony.buc.ci
(#rxeepiq) from phone
(#rxeepiq) Oh I suppose I upload media from my computer.
(#rxeepiq) @testuser@anthony.buc.ci Hmm, a weird thing I don’t understand is why that image is not displaying inline. It does on the phone app.
(#rxeepiq) @testuser@anthony.buc.ci goat’s
@testuser@anthony.buc.ci (#rxeepiq) dig that goat!
(#rxeepiq) @testuser@anthony.buc.ci Hi test user.
(#4fjkgtq) I also wonder what feeds are. I guess I should read the documentation how about that.
(#rxeepiq) I am gratuitously posting just to see how things look when you do that. Sorry for the noise.
(#rxeepiq) Buccipod being my self-hosted yarn.social instance with exactly one user, me 😃
What’s the difference between timeline and discover, I wonder.
@prologic@twtxt.net hello! I just installed yarn.social and wanted to try sending a twt to an external user!
This guy created shadertoy and makes amazing graphics. I just want to save a link here.
Inigo Quilez :: computer graphics, mathematics, shaders, fractals, demoscene and more
Buccipod lives.
Tinkering with making my web site comply with IndieWeb recommendations.
All of that because I wanted to make a blog post about a class I just finished teaching https://www.bucci.onl/notes/Chaos-managed
…and I’ve modified it locally, so I’m facing a tricky merge problem 😕
That was the main reason I chose that theme, so it was frustrating. Anyway, it looks like Jekyll Garden has updated in the meantime.
I’m overhauling my blog a bit because I was having trouble getting the Jekyll Garden theme to work the way I wanted with Obsidian.
Let’s try some Unicode™ and an emojus 🤪
This is a test that pre- and post- hooks are working properly
This is a test of twtxt