eldersnake @yarn.andrewjvpowell.com


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Recent twts from eldersnake

(#lrsqwdq) @prologic@twtxt.net

How you been anyway mate? 🤗 You’ve been quietish lately 🤔

Yeah sorry, I’ve been a bit caught up in things. I’m personally alright, just my partner has had some mental health battles lately as well as some physical ones 😥 What’s also compounded the issues, is after her first jab she’s had swollen lymph nodes around her neck for nearly a month and in quite a bit of discomfort and no one really knows why. I’ve since had my second jab and I’m fine, but she’s rather regretting hers ATM…


(#a5quq6q) @prologic@twtxt.net yeah see while I usually bag out Google at every opportunity I can give them credit for things like Go. Granted a lot of it was throwing money at the right people, such as Rob Pyke, but the point remains.

In a similar vein while I don’t know much about Flutter and Dart, those projects no doubt made mobile app development a fair bit easier and streamlined.


(#knlzd4q) The solutions already mentioned thus far are great. The one I personally use is KeePassXC, with the encrypted database file synchronized to my devices via Nextcloud but obviously you can use whatever file syncing method you please.
I never really used a password manager before doing this; I’m a total convert now though.


Currently cleaning up an old Dell C600 laptop I had lying around from my school years. Pretty old machine that still works, from about 2000/2001 I believe. Pentium III CPU, 256MB RAM. Might use it as a kind of retro gaming DOS machine or something, it even has a Maestro sound chip which is quite suited for that.

Funny thing is I remember from my school years is it used to overheat quite easily, casually hanging around in 90+ degrees celsius temps. CPU fan never seemed to work and as a kid I didn’t think much of it and eventually upgraded anyway. Now I’ve found why it never worked. Some silly person, before I got it, had obviously taken it apart to clean it and accidentally put one of the longer screws in near the CPU fan… and it wedged into the fan blades 🤣


(#bgwdxja) @prologic@twtxt.net

Ahh I see! 👌 So nothing we need to do here for Aurorathen? 🤔 (besides publish the dam app finally 🤦‍♂️)

Correct 👌 Publish to Play Store, and it will be there. Aurora logs in with an automatically generated anonymous Gmail account AFAIK and allows users to download pretty much anything in the Play Store except for paid apps I believe (rather difficult to implement, you could imagine). Also shows a list of trackers in each app, etc. Rather nice app that I hope Google never clamp down on.
