(#p2jw2xq) @sorenpeter@darch.dk I have znc
running in a VM on my home theater/gaming PC for IRC.
Green living and permacomputing enthusiast, writer, otherkin, weird.
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(#p2jw2xq) @sorenpeter@darch.dk I have znc
running in a VM on my home theater/gaming PC for IRC.
Another thing off my TODO list after an otherwise busy and tiring day. Now I have a new accessible email and XMPP account with Disroot, so I don’t have to deal with iCloud’s growing walled garden, or xmpp.jp’s reputation of being overrun by spammers.
I swear, poking at Suckless tools have become such a great way for me to slowly learn coding in C. Just getting things working in st
and surf
has helped me better understand how things fuction better than most of the books I’ve been reading.
(#vqodnya) @prologic@twtxt.net Edited and published.
There. Re-enabled the old subdomain url (twtxt.prismdragon.net), and just pointed it to the file in my twtxt file’s url field. Either should work, so links won’t be broken.
(#mowsvgq) @prologic@twtxt.net Ah! Looks like the quickstart script I was working on got screwed up. Thanks for pointing it out. Should be fixed now. Also, I used to point the feed to the twtxt.prismdragon.net subdomain, but stopped because of a misbehaving nginx, so it may be something cached somewhere. Not sure where, though.
Rebuilding my twtxt file after deciding to return, and trying to get back into working on my fork of txtnix as a reason to continue learning Perl again.