kat @yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz


it's kat. she/her

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Recent twts from kat

(#vbf2mia) @prologic@twtxt.net awww thank you! yeah i’d love to keep it small and chill. that’s what i and my friends like most about yarn, how small and quiet it is, it’s just chill! and there’s no likes/reposts too which helps keep it super chill i think. just vibes… it’s the best! you’ve built something great!


i’m pretty sure i’m running this all off sqlite so if i get too many users on here i might be cooked but oh well i can always try to migrate (<– has heard migrations from sqlite to mysql/postgres are hell)


i thought about making a chill little vlog putting together my new pi4 for KVM purposes but unless i make it go fast somehow i’d probably quickly exceed the 30 mins on the last mini DVD i have for recording lol


hmmm i really should set up crowdsec and maybe a WAF like coraza or something. i don’t look at my logs as much as i should because they scare me and ignorance is bliss but i should probably cut out as much false traffic as possible especially to my biggest site (superlove)
