kat @yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz


it's kat. she/her

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Recent twts from kat

hey yarn pod hosting friends, how do i enable an SMTP relay in the env settings? i’m trying to get a friend on here and i’m pretty sure my env config is good but it won’t send emails even after restarts which is strange. i have the right hostname for mailjet, user and pass are in there, same with from address, i’m wondering if the port is messing it up bc it has to send from 587?


i’ve been transitioning CLI text editors from nano (godforsaken editor) to micro (normal and not overly opinionated to the point where i feel like i’m defusing a bomb trying to learn its keybindings) and the only weird thing is that i can’t get it to persist an alias from nano to micro when i run sudo despite me configuring that. well at least on my servers, it persists on this machine. idk i’ll look at it later


morning yarn friends i’ve been playing with astro the SSG and it’s a blast i see why my friends love it and rec it to everyone. i may think javascript was a mistake but this is super cool


(#fiqtaqq) @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org oh nah it came out like that lol! i actually love how squished it looks it feels accurate lol

oh yeah i think i might have a tripod around but i do need a sandbag or something i could use as one. maybe yeah a giant bag of rice could work LOL. thanks for the tips!!! i took a video class last year in college and we worked with cameras and tripods with sandbags so it was on my mind
