kat @yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz


it's kat. she/her

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Recent twts from kat

(#vzksboq) @prologic@twtxt.net so i did a mistake that i’ve done before and i think i just pulled from the main branch which is STUPID i KNOW and i don’t LEARN but whatever. i was having trouble with my go version and the makefile so i think i literally just ran it as my user with go in the path and redirected the binaries to go to a temporary directory i made and then moved them to /usr/bin lol. i’m not sure what could’ve caused this! probably something in the pipeline of weirdness i just wrote out


good morning yarn friends. we need a funny name for yarn posters. what’s something that fits the yarn theme…. i mean we quite literally have threads here. yarn threads. how epic is that. now us posters need a funny name too.


taskbook is really neat. i like using its to-do features, i think the note-taking i won’t need as i’ve been using obsidian a lot for that lately but the to-do stuff is really helping me out
