logout @i-logout.cz


Just the usual: Gopher, ZX Spetrum, HAM radio, PowerPC machines, Linux.

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(#ijtgw3a) @mckinley@twtxt.net I used this myself for ages (my primary machine was dual G5 until 2018), but this is all emulation - an i686 CPU is emulated in the QEMU to run i686 Windows. I’m running PowerPC version of Windows (only NT 3.5 and NT 4.0 were released for PowerPC as well as MIPS and DEC Alpha) on PowerPC workstation from 1995. It has a 67MHz PowerPC 603, 64 MB of RAM and 1GB HDD. Here is the original news from when it was released: https://techmonitor.ai/technology/bulls_low_end_powerpc_estrella_to_go_via_zenith


(#ijtgw3a) @movq@www.uninformativ.de Yes, this is bare metal - I don’t even think that it is possible to run NT on PowerPC in emulation or at least I didn’t see anyone running it. It requires special firmware that only Motorola provided, about half dozen machines were supported. I had to download the firmware from archive.org and flash it as my Bull Estrella didn’t have it, just the generic firmware for running AIX.


Finally managed to configure Jenny and the mutt integration, so probably this would be my true start to twtxt. I’m still fighting the mutt a bit though as I always was more of a pine person.


I felt this weird last time when I tried to seriously use Plan 9. I don’t even know even how to reply to someone as it doesn’t seem like the original twtxt Python client supports the topic in brackets. But I managed Gopher, Z80 assembly, and paddleboarding, I will manage twtxt as well.
