loopsaisei @twtxt.net


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@prologic@twtxt.net (#qsjny5a) Hey, I had no intent to complain or express frustration. Just really feel excited about what you ppl have created around twtxt and would like to engage to make things better.

Recording the resistance in my process of ā€œtrying to figure out what you guys are talking aboutā€ / providing an outsiderā€™s view (not like the ppl in conversations who know the context well) may do help in some ways, I guess. And itā€™s my turn to say sorry for my limited technical skills šŸ™ˆ.

Thanks for your clarification and Iā€™ll take time to learn more about existing extensions.


Hi there! As a novice (digging from a blog site -> that uses ASS -> that mentions twtxt in its one repo issue) here, Iā€™m a bit confused when using Yarn pod site & Goryon Android APP.

While scrolling twts on Goryon, Iā€™ll 100 percent press conversation btn if one twt interests me, to know the context. However scrolling down, I probably see the same twt in another twtā€™s conversation. So that means the upper subject just donā€™t show up when I check the conversation of one twt involved?

Then I turn to Yarn pod site to get some clues. In the main timeline page replies are called Yarn, same as Conversation in Goryon, right? hopping in then I finally know thereā€™s a Root behind this twt. One more click, better than not knowing in Goryon.

Now I have a vague feeling that conversation Forks like a tree. A reply with replies to it becomes a subject that owns #hash.

Is it possible to see the path to the starting root more easily? Maybe a btn to reveal/fold upper subjects, always on first page/screen so no need to click a lot.
