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Recent Twts

Recent twts from skinshafi

(#2s3lk3a) Ok! now that I’ve created the twtAgent.{log,csv} files manually and changed their perms so they’re writable by www-data, the twtAgent.php works the twtAgent2 doesn’t tho. + Still have no redirections, I might have to ask arround.


(#6xuvs6a) I was hoping your script could help solve our pubnix users’ Discovrability dilemma, but either I’m doing something wrong or (maybe) we have some PHP module(s) missing. I gave it a try and it returns the twtxt file content as expected when visited directly, yet there’s no logs/log files created. + I’m still not sure why my htaccess redirection doesn’t work x’) … Will keep you posted.


So, I don’t think there is a way for pubnix users to check who’s pulling their Twtxt feeds. “No access logs (for obvious reasons) so, no visibility on user-agent anouncements for me and no discovrability for you (actually, me)!” xD


Today’s discovery: Iris a Serverless text-based forum for tilde-likes. I still haven’t posted anything out there yet, but I’m in love with it already. Let’s see what we find out next… rubbing hands
