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Recent twts from stigatle
What games do you all play these days?
(#xbfehqq) always nice with a easy fix!
Good morning to you all, new day is here. Nice with weekend. Today I want to code a bit, and then do some flightsim tonight.
New day at the office, been a nice first week after vacation so far, but weekend is always appreciated!
Not sure what we’re going to do yet - but I’m sure going to enjoy the days off work :)
(#mldsula) Only time something like that has happened on my end is if browser got updated while its running (trough package manager). But I only run firefox..
(#voakm4q) I usually get up at 05:30, no matter how late I fall a asleep, get in early, get home early 😀
Tomorrow I go back to the office after 4 weeks off, going to be rough to get up in the morning :p