(#gylchfq) @prologic@twtxt.net can’t
see it depending on how you open the file, but it’s there. Here’s a
screenshot with: “bat” vs “cat” vs “twtxt view {link}” :
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(#gylchfq) @prologic@twtxt.net can’t
see it depending on how you open the file, but it’s there. Here’s a
screenshot with: “bat” vs “cat” vs “twtxt view {link}” :
(#rrcuuia) 🤣
G👀gle … Chill! and maybe check your /ai.txt first
"GET /2024-04-21_01-37-08_931x123.png HTTP/1.1" 200 27569 "-" "Google-Cloud-ML-Vision"
And this one with a GUI text editor xed just in case… lorem lipsum and stuff. it looks like this one didn’t get affected at all! Hmmmm… Maybe the environment variable is called VISUAL for a reason? 🤨 207 characters and counting…
Filler text for a different terminal to see if it’s going to be
differ… Nope! Still got the new line. đź«
(#gylchfq) @prologic@twtxt.net All set
up and ready! ✅at the same time I’ll try and some filler text using a
different terminal. You never know…