yakumo_izuru @tsuki.chaotic.ninja


An ambiguous human being who claims to be a hermit and a servant of Yukari Yakumo. He was known as Nova for two years before his complete disappearance.

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Recent Twts

Recent twts from yakumo_izuru

(#5q5kh5q) @prologic@twtxt.net I know, right.

If the Tao is great, then the software is great.
If the software is great, the moderation toolkit is great.
If the moderation toolkit is great, the moderators are great.
The people are pleased, and there is harmony in the world.
The path the fediverse took was bad because the software sucks,
the moderation toolkit sucks, the moderators suck (for a lot of reasons, including political correctness or people borderline insane and unsuitable for admining or moderating any instances at all), and there's no harmony among users.
