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(#5slaifq) Context for those who don’t know: Epic Games is the company behind the hugely popular video game Fortnite. As far as I know, the core game is still free-to-play and supported by microtransactions. It’s available on Windows, consoles, and mobile platforms. They sued Apple a few years ago because they felt the 30% cut Apple takes for in-app purchases was unreasonable and that they should be allowed to distribute their software independently of the App Store. It didn’t turn out so well for them.


(#5slaifq) They must have spent such an ungodly amount in legal fees by now that I wonder if they’ll come out of this in the green if they get to keep all the money from in-app purchases. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’re doing it, but I think there’s a reason why Epic Games is the only one fighting for app store neutrality.


(#kyuqxna) If rsync is interrupted, it doesn’t delete any files that were transferred completely so it will “resume” from that last complete transfer. However, it does delete any partially transferred file. --partial keeps that partial file around on the destination machine so it can continue right where it left off.


(#5jys7ia) I usually end up using -rtz because I’m usually not 100% sure all the permissions and ownership information are right and I hate littering directories with inconsistent permissions. For a big transfer, I’ll start with -rtvz --stats --dry-run and make sure it’s only transferring the files it should, then I’ll do -rtz --stats --info=progress2 --no-i-r to get one progress bar to watch for the whole transfer.


(#5jys7ia) Rsync has a ton of options and I probably still haven’t scratched the surface, but I was able to memorize the options I actually need for day-to-day work in a relatively short time. I guess I’m the opposite of you, because I don’t know any scp(1) options.
