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Recent Twts

Recent twts from marado

**RT by @mind_booster: Cai a máscara ao governo PS!
Em resposta ao PCP Ministro da Cultura afirma: «Não é desejável acabar com precariedade na Cultura»

Diana Ferreira, deputada do PCP responde: +**
Cai a máscara ao governo PS!

Em resposta ao PCP Ministro da Cultura afirma: «Não é desejável acabar com precariedade na Cultura»

Diana Ferreira, deputada do PCP responde: +

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**Não, seriamente… isto é para tentar enganar quem? O Marcelo certamente que é mais inteligente que isto, e está a par do que realmente se trata aqui, para quê este spin? A quem serve?

Que fique bem claro: revisão constitucional não serve de nada, TJUE é contra a lei d metadados**
Não, seriamente… isto é para tentar enganar quem? O Marcelo certamente que é mais inteligente que isto, e está a par do que realmente se trata aqui, para quê este spin? A quem serve?

Que fique bem claro: revisão constitucional n … ⌘ Read more


**RT by @mind_booster: ½ 📢The Commission wants to do the impossible of detecting illegal content in end-to-end encrypted communications, but has no idea how to do this (because it IS impossible).

Solution: leave it to service providers under the guise of technological neutrality.**
½ 📢The Commission wants to do the impossible of detecting illegal content in end-to-end encrypted communications, but has no idea how to do this (because it IS impossible).

Solution: leave it to service providers under the guise of te … ⌘ Read more


RT by @mind_booster: LEAKED: 1st look at @EU_Commission’s CSAM proposal, expected tomorrow. Seems to confirm our fears that the law will go after all private communications in the EU (not just of suspects) as well as undermining #E2EEncryption.
The Commission must #DoBetter #KeepItSecure

LEAKED: 1st look at @EU_Commission’s CSAM proposal, expected tomorrow. Seems to confirm our fears that the law will go after all private communications in the … ⌘ Read more


**RT by @mind_booster: EU Commissioner @YlvaJohansson is preparing to launch a new law to force the mass surveillance of private online communications but has refused to meet with privacy experts like @EDRi.

The Commissioner has met with Facebook but

#KeepItSecure #DoBetter**
EU Commissioner @YlvaJohansson is preparing to launch a new law to force the mass surveillance of private onli … ⌘ Read more


RT by @mind_booster: Fun conversation with @creativecommons about our All The Music project, #copyright building blocks, #music, #creativity, #melodies, @GeorgeHarrison, @katyperry, @ledzeppelin, @edsheeran, and how all musicians stand on the shoulders of prior musical giants.–Noah-Rubin-of-All-The-Music-e1i2d86

Fun conversation with @creativecommons about our All The Music project, [#copyright]( … ⌘ Read more
