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Recent Twts

Recent twts from movq

(#jnfajzq) I don’t know why or how, but using gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() has the desired effect (now?). Reading GTK’s source code is too convoluted to find out what’s going on here. I can’t find a corresponding Wayland protocol.

Sway gets very slow when resizing such a window, so I’m a bit inclined to think that GTK does some weird trickery to get this to work. đŸ€”

Either way, xiate now sets geometry hints again and floating windows have the correct size now. Finally.


(#aiqtdda) Oh my god, that sounds just as awful. Yes, that really makes you want to quit. Such a waste of time and energy. It’s really dangerous for one’s mental health as well, burnout is lurking just around the corner.

No, it’s not IBM. 😅 I won’t say what it is. đŸ„Ž I don’t think I had contact with any (contemporary) IBM software since around 2010. I love toying around with retro IBM stuff (cause that’s what I grew up with), but really no idea what they’re up to these days. Even the IBM building in our city is long gone.


(#aiqtdda) One of the super frustrating things about this: I have to write lots of documents, but I am required to use horrendous software to do that. It cannot even number sections automatically, nor can you insert cross-references to other sections. Simple stuff like that. It all has to be done manually.

Even Word 97 could do shit like that 


Ich frag’ mich schon oft, wie das fĂŒr die englischen Muttersprachler sein muss, all diese sogenannten Markennamen zu benutzen. „Ich benutze Fenster 11! Das hier ist eine KraftPunkt-PrĂ€sentation. Den Kode fĂŒr dieses Skript habe ich vom Deppendrehkreuz.“ All sowas. đŸ€”


(#6axgyza) đŸ€Ł Bug free code, I wish. 😅

On a more serious note, how’s the adoption of Archive Feeds going? If you all were to clear your caches, would your clients fetch archived feeds? đŸ€”

(I’m kind of thinking about truncating my history, to be honest. There’s a lot of twts out there, many of them out-of-context by now. They’re of little use except maybe for showing that twtxt/Yarn is an “active platform”.)


(#oc7xdyq) Goes to show how arcane that system has become. đŸ„Ž I saw in another video today that Microsoft Office used names like PMWord and PMExcel.

There was a time when Vobis (you remember them?) sold PCs with OS/2 pre-installed. Those were the days, man! 😂

It’s already very quick.

That’s because it’s not running on a hard disk but a Compact Flash card. 😅 My Warp 4 box is on an HDD and scanning directory trees takes quite some time there. đŸ«€ Spinning rust is crazy slow.
