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Recent twts from vain

(#gkwcrvq) Yes, over 20 years ago, a hard disk died. Not completely, only some parts of it, but it was enough to destroy ~30 GB or something like that.

I bought a lot of DVDs over time and many of them have become unreadable. Star Trek DS9 is among the victims, parts of TNG, parts of X-Files. Really annoying. I didnā€™t have the required disk space to make backups and, honestly, didnā€™t think they would die so quickly. When/if I buy movies these days, I either make a backup right away or I treat those DVDs as ā€œwill die soonā€. šŸ«¤

CDs regularly die, too, although not as often as DVDs.

And of course, lots of floppy disks are dead now. šŸ˜‚šŸ«¤


(#vrckl3a) At work? Not a chance. šŸ˜‚

Private life? Sure. There was a regular community event called ā€œA week in the TTYā€ over at, where we spent a week only in text mode. It was easily doable.

There are some things where a graphical browser is pretty much mandatory these days. Online banking comes to mind. I could in theory physically go to the bank, but Iā€™m way too lazy for that. šŸ˜‚

Netflix is more popular nowadays and I wouldnā€™t want to miss that, either.


(#ocwsliq) Of all the retro OSes that Iā€™ve got running, SuSE 6.4 is clearly the most powerful one. It comes with a ton of software and development tools. Windows 2000, which was released around the same time, is basically ā€œemptyā€ in comparison.

But of course, none of that mattered. No popular software, no adoption. šŸ˜… And yes, things like configuring the X server were stupid hard back then.


(#gxolr6a) Itā€™s always been super niche, but I think in the age of Twitter more people have been looking for free/libre alternatives than these days, because Mastodon is a big thing now and has mostly replaced Twitter. Mastodon is free/libre, lots of instances, lots of communities. I have a feeling that Yarn/twtxt is mostly appealing to us nerds and minimalists.

I still love the core ideas of twtxt. Itā€™s great for hardcore minimalists. is great for people willing to run a server daemon. I still think all of this is a good thing.

We have certainly lost lots of momentum, though. Plus, there appear to be simpler alternatives to full blown Mastodon now. I think and are running snac? I didnā€™t have a closer look at snac (no intention of running it), but if that is a relatively small daemon (maybe comparable to Yarn?) that gives you access to the whole world of ActivityPub, then, well, yeah ā€¦ Thatā€™s tough to beat.

Not sure what my point is. šŸ¤” For me, itā€™s easy: Iā€™ll keep using twtxt because all I have to do is host a text file. Dead simple, I love it.

It all depends on what your plans for are. šŸ¤”


(#d6xdvyq) Looks like thereā€™s not a lot of fancy magical stuff:

There is, however, a DosKillThread() function, which, as far as I know, does not exist on POSIX. šŸ¤” You can only send a signal to a POSIX thread and then itā€™ll hopefully end some day, right?

Killing threads is probably a bad idea, though. Who knows which state itā€™ll leave behind. Itā€™s not like a process which will be properly cleaned up by the OS.

I think Iā€™ll leave it as is. šŸ™‚


(#6axgyza) Well, there was one subtle bug: jenny did not fetch archived twts from your own feed (only from other people). I just happened to wipe all twts/cache from my disk, so I noticed that all my old stuff was missing. Itā€™s a corner case, but itā€™ll be fixed in the next release.


(#jnfajzq) I donā€™t know why or how, but using gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() has the desired effect (now?). Reading GTKā€™s source code is too convoluted to find out whatā€™s going on here. I canā€™t find a corresponding Wayland protocol.

Sway gets very slow when resizing such a window, so Iā€™m a bit inclined to think that GTK does some weird trickery to get this to work. šŸ¤”

Either way, xiate now sets geometry hints again and floating windows have the correct size now. Finally.


(#aiqtdda) Oh my god, that sounds just as awful. Yes, that really makes you want to quit. Such a waste of time and energy. Itā€™s really dangerous for oneā€™s mental health as well, burnout is lurking just around the corner.

No, itā€™s not IBM. šŸ˜… I wonā€™t say what it is. šŸ„“ I donā€™t think I had contact with any (contemporary) IBM software since around 2010. I love toying around with retro IBM stuff (cause thatā€™s what I grew up with), but really no idea what theyā€™re up to these days. Even the IBM building in our city is long gone.


(#aiqtdda) One of the super frustrating things about this: I have to write lots of documents, but I am required to use horrendous software to do that. It cannot even number sections automatically, nor can you insert cross-references to other sections. Simple stuff like that. It all has to be done manually.

Even Word 97 could do shit like that ā€¦
