
Twts matching tag=5nagu7q Re: Chat system, What if the base specification included a system for per-user arbitrary JSON storage on the server? Kind of like XEP-0049, but expanded upon. Two kinds of objects: public and private. Public objects can be queried by anyone, private objects cannot and must be encrypted with the user’s private key. Public keys could be stored there, as well as anything else defined by extensions. Roster, user block list, avatar, etc.


(#5nagu7q) But the real issue is that if you use an app it’s easy to store the private asymmetrical key and use it “locally” but through web …. Maybe somehow the site can load/ask it locally and store it in the browser cache and then use it in JavaScript to decrypt


(#5nagu7q) My bad, it will apparently be possible, I just don’t fully understand how, but keys can encrypt a message to multiple recipient.

echo -n "My secret 🤓" | keys encrypt -armor -sender gabriel@github \
-recipient kex1ts0qw8fwkvle2f2xsqumetmr9ev5ppx22rl5hnycen68sanjzl7qnta629 \
-recipient kex1ts0qw8fwkvle2f2xsqumetmr9ev5ppx22rl5hnycen68sanjzl7qnta627 > msg.enc
