Recursive Drawing is really fun to play with. You can make spirally-looking things like


(which is a minor variation that looks more feathery). Or you can make more organic looking shapes like


This tool was a studentā€™s degree project and doesnā€™t have all the bells and whistles youā€™d expect from a mature drawing program, but the one thing it does well, the recursive drawing, is super cool.


(#r6icgfq) I saw a release announcement for gum, which looks like a great way to add interactivity to shell scripts.

Much as Iā€™d love to help, I have my hands full right now! Job+kids takes up 200% of my time! Iā€™ve been meaning to play with salty chat just to see how it looks but so far I havenā€™t even had time to do that!


(#r6icgfq) itā€™s nice that you can self host the charm cloud part of it. Even though they say they end-to-end encrypt anything sent to or stored on their servers, and even though I mostly believe that, thereā€™s no way to verify. Reading the source code is not verification because there are no guarantees that whatā€™s running on their servers matches whatā€™s in the source code. So, itā€™s safest to self host, and Iā€™m glad they provide that option.


Firefox Focus is meant to be one of the more privacy friendly browsers on Android, yet after install it has Google set as the default web browser and it collects telemetry. So you still need to hunt through the settlings to find and turn off these things if they concern you (which they should imo)


Android always has seventeen different apps for any particular thing you want to do, where five are so full of ads theyā€™re unusable, three are hobby projects, two are paid and cost more than youā€™re willing to spend on a phone app, three havenā€™t been maintained in over two years, and four might possibly work for you. But you canā€™t know any of that till you install all seventeen and try them.


(#mzw5ema) for instance, Iā€™m just firing all the agentsā€™ workloads asynchronously at the CPU and hoping for the best, where itā€™d probably be more efficient to batch up the work. Iā€™m using scala and havenā€™t done any jvm heap of GC tuning yet, so thatā€™s another way to improve performance.


OK lovely, I have a little demo of my nascent agent modeling framework thinger that can run 100,000 agents doing non-trivial (but faked for now) computations at about 1/3 of my screen refresh rate, meaning near real-time. I havenā€™t tried optimizing it yet, just tinkering so far. Thatā€™s pretty promising.


(#saig7mq) Anyhow, in the scala world I like the approach the Laminar library takes. Somewhere in the guts of it is an Observer pattern but the abstraction presented to the typical library user is a bunch of signals that you wire together, some of which require responses.


(#vl3vg7q) it all happened because Letā€™s Encrypt just refused to work with one of my virtual hosts in nginx, so I just went to ZeroSSL and requested a certificate there, then all that chaotic stuff blah blah blah

Of course I could literally use ACME but meh, whatever


(#5ekuk6a) The main reason I used ā€œlikesā€ on twitter or on mastodon is as a kind of acknowledgement that I read someoneā€™s post. Back when they used to be stars on twitter I did that more often, but likes remind me too much of facebook šŸ¤¢ Anyhow I think itā€™s maybe better to cut down on noise by not doing that, and only replying when thereā€™s something to say?


(#5ekuk6a) and theyā€™re starting to add features to promote ā€œpopularā€ toots and hashtags, which of course is a recipe for disaster. Youā€™d think people wouldā€™ve learned by now how easy it is for a group of people to game popularity-based systems šŸ¤”


(#5ekuk6a) oh, totally. The fediverse has some of the same dogpiling problems as twitter, and youā€™re often beholden to the administrator of the instance you joined to take care of that for you. There are tools for blocking people and whole instances, which helps, but if a dozen people dive into your mentions to harass you because they decided they didnā€™t like something you said, youā€™re stuck with the labor of identifying each one and blocking them. At some point itā€™d be easier to abandon your account.

I donā€™t have a clear view of how Iā€™d deal with something like that on (not that I think itā€™d happen), but at least since I administer my own instance I have a lot of power šŸ’Ŗ


(#lxe2kdq) nah, this isnā€™t accurate. Iā€™m on the fediverse and the Nazi problem is very real and always in your face. There are hundreds of Nazi instances and new ones pop up every day. Every day I see toots about some new asshole. And I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about ā€œthe radical leftā€ā€“in the US at least there is no such thing.


(#urcykrq) I played around with Mastodon for awhile, and while it felt like a bit of an improvement over twitter, say, I didnā€™t like how complicated it was to self-host and federate. Also the developers seem to be pushing Mastodon more and more into becoming a twitter clone. I feel like twitter is pretty mean-spirited in part because of how itā€™s structured, so this worried me a lot.


(#2gjshuq) I guess itā€™s not to everyoneā€™s taste šŸ˜† Iā€™ve been mostly doing functional programming for awhile now and unison seems to address several pain points, and I think their big idea of hashing parse trees and keeping an ever-growing database of code that is easy to marshall over the network if you want is very cool.


(#urcykrq) btw I have no plans to migrate outā€“definitely want to give this a go for awhile. Iā€™ve found some interesting feeds to follow, and Iā€™m sure that will continue. However, I do like very much that the post data is not trapped in some corporationā€™s data center.


(#4y24kla) hi! šŸ‘‹ Thanks for writing back! I wanted to see what interacting with another person was like. And also to meet new people!

Iā€™m liking a lot so far, so thank you for this.

I have not been using twtxt very long. I stumbled on it long ago, but Iā€™ve never really been into social networks and always found twitter pretty mean-spirited. But I decided to give it a go again and wanted to try to meet some folks so that Iā€™m not always talking to my
