I wonder how go-gopher actually renders gophermaps into html
I wonder how go-gopher actually renders gophermaps into html
(#vbzz6ta) If Elon stops twitter from lecturing you like a kindergarden teacher whenever you use mildly offensive language it will be the best improvement to the site in 10 years
(#wwxq6mq) 😆 that guy’s post is actually pretty interesting to me. SSL is fugazi? Can it be? 🧐
(#eu5qmna) @movq@www.uninformativ.de pretty much yeah, there are other browsers too but they’re actually either toys or just trash
(#hu5gnka) fixed those “features” and pushed them to https://git.kyoko-project.wer.ee/Mirage/midori. Problem is, I can’t compile it, lol
(#scbt4ja) @prologic@twtxt.net then you haven’t seen GNU info files, those are the worst, lmao
(#eu5qmna) the worst part of all this insanity is that the developer got brainwashed into [redacted]
(#eu5qmna) only problem i’m having right now is that the browser treats the Backspace key as a Back key, when I think it shouldn’t
midori browser my beloved. man, if it weren’t turned into just another chromium clone i’d continue to take it seriously. right now i’m using the last version with webkit2gtk
(#7tfgmaq) @aryak@yn.vern.cc hmm it works fine on my end
(#pouhmda) @eaplmx@twtxt.net How many shared nix server things are out there do you think? I really like the idea but I havent found one that grabs me 🤔
bah, listmonk ain’t working as it is supposed to, mlmmj doesn’t either, ugh
(#rmvhcwq) nothing has changed ever since the last time I had this message appearing
(#fop72fa) My biggest complaint with the web in general is often I’m looking for 100 bytes of information but to get it I have to load a spyware application suite pretending to be a html doc
(#e2nxw4a) @abucci@anthony.buc.ci didn’t mean that, actually.
glares at crabs and monads
(#e2nxw4a) @abucci@anthony.buc.ci looks nice but I feel it’s painful as Darcs (because of implementation)
(#fop72fa) I group my tabs in Safari and then never see or think about them again 😆
(#fop72fa) I don’t understand why, in the 12+ years since tabs became de rigeur, nobody figured out a better UI than a tab bar 🤨
(#7tfgmaq) @prologic@twtxt.net I think you forgot pollinator (might try it sometime @ kyokonet just for the hell of it >;P)
(#7tfgmaq) @cobra@yn.vern.cc have you tried gopher:// yet?
(#ezmgila) @cobra@yn.vern.cc salute
(#3f32opa) @eaplmx@twtxt.net if only that actually worked for me, i’m always bored ;P
(#zatuwba) @mckinley@twtxt.net wikiless aka the useless frontend no one ever asked for
(#7qwsbtq) although it’s worth noting that it’s a bit unstable
(#7qwsbtq) plus I also replaced my mail stack with maddy
(#afkchxq) @prologic@twtxt.net This is actually the first time I’ve seen documentation on extensions. It’s just that I’ve seen metadata from various people in the ribbons that can probably be used in some way. For example, because of this, my console client checks to see if the user you’re subscribed to is subscribed to you.
(#2gzobda) @prologic@twtxt.net No, unfortunately, he doesn’t yet. I answer messages manually. I think so far, what can be done with the responses and how to better design it in the console.
@prologic@twtxt.net welcome me into the family! The CLI for twtxt didn’t work for me, so I wrote my own
Мне очень не нравится размер макета. Пока это 21.4kB. Но я и не возился со всякими сборками. Так, добавил пару тестов и причесал линтинг
KyokoNet server status:
(#l3blnaa) Good stuff
Мои посты выглядят как сраный чейнджлог. Программизм до мозга костей!
Добавил CodeCoverage и написал чуть чуть тестов, не то чтобы это было нужно в полутора файлах, но да!
(#vf52kia) @prologic@twtxt.net I actually don’t use twitter but every forum nowadays is 60% links to twitter so 🤷
(#vf52kia) @prologic@twtxt.net I really mean give up reading twitter, blogs, and forums all day at work and getting annoyed at people’s non stop arguments with no benefit to myself 😆
I need to give up the internet but what to replace it with? 🤔
Добавил возможность проверять подписаны ли на тебя люди, если их файл соответствует формату
Добавил проверку на новую версию, теперь будет предупреждать что нужно обновиться
Запаблишил софтину в npm, теперь можно пользоваться
(#pvgxmca) thanks guys these are some good ideas 😊
Welcome, twtxt enjoyers как говорится!
Добавил метатегов, чтобы по файлику можно было парсить всякую чепуху
Прикол, командлайн тулза считает вопросительный знак каким-то особым символом, надо будет это поковырять
Мне интересно, у этой штуки вообще есть русскоязычное коммьюнити или нет
Чувствую себя героем фильма Социальная сеть, который пилит программу и щитпостит в блог
А к чёрту, сделал функционал фолловинга. Позже это всё дело опубликую и запаблишу в npm. Надо ещё код причесать.