(#4n4ppya) @prologic@twtxt.net Iā€™m curious about this. Surely the implication of a twtxt file being self-hosted (unless youā€™re using someone elseā€™s podā€¦) is that I control its content; I can delete/edit what I want. Sure, someone else might have saved/cached it, but the same would apply to any web page: if itā€™s on my server, I can delete the canonical version. Doesnā€™t mean every trace is immediately/permanently gone from the web, but any remaining cached versions are just outdated cache artifacts. Am I wrong?








(#rm3puaa) @prologic@twtxt.net Oh for sure. I just would prefer if the twtxt file could be consumed raw inasmuch as possible; that seems to me to be one of the main points of a raw text-based format vs something more structured. But as you say, this doesnā€™t really break that. As I say, a clever workaround to an annoying flaw in the original spec. šŸ˜‰


(#pv7ouaq) @prologic@twtxt.net I love most of the modern Javascript syntax, including arrow functions (this doesnā€™t include JSX, which is not Javascript and I hate it šŸ™ˆ) but I do agree that terseness can go too far to the point of getting in the way of readability ā€“ definitely an issue with Python IMO. Honestly the only good thing about Python in my opinion is the ecosystem, particularly for data science.
I do like Go from my very limited experience with it; I will definitely be using it more.


(#35kn2ia) @mckinley@twtxt.net I was lucky in a way: I was homeshooled and my studies were very much self-directed. My parents encouraged my interest in tech though they are complete muggles themselves and couldnā€™t teach me anything about it, so I was entirely self-taught ā€“ like many geeks, it seems. As for schools, I do think the situation is improving, at least from what Iā€™ve heard from friends with school-age kids. @prologic@twtxt.netā€™s experience is reassuring. Iā€™m sure it varies hugely from area to area though; it definitely needs to be a part of national curricula.


(#pv7ouaq) @prologic@twtxt.net No problem! šŸ‘

I can understand your reasoning and i know the pure syntax is not the only part involved when developing in general.

I guess when a programming language changes a lot itā€™s much harder to adapt and break habits.

Having a clear idea of what you expect from your code and language is a lifesaver when working with many people, ever more in open source projects like yarn.

Keep it up! šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


(#knoga2q) @ullarah@txt.quisquiliae.com Ugh, please no! šŸ˜« As a user I hate those interstitial pages, because they add an unwanted step between me and the page Iā€™m trying to get to, and they obscure the real target of the link (also theyā€™re often used for user tracking). And as a web geek I hate the fact that they break the semantic model of a link pointing to its real target, turning external links into faux internal ones.


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net I can agree on JSX and similar but I must say that arrow functions, classes and so on are quite nice once you get used to them.

I too ended up wanting less and less but exactly for that reason I really enjoy those new stuff the platform offers natively.

Anyway, Iā€™ll keep your style as much as I can. šŸ‘


(#7boroia) @prologic@twtxt.net I think the ā€œworst that could happenā€ is ā€œit would be semantically wrongā€. I donā€™t think it could ever be actively harmful, since it is correctly treated as a claim, not proof of ownership of the target ā€“ it can be used to prove ownership of the origin page, but not of the destination.

That said, I would be in favour of making it explicit (ideally in the Metadata spec) that ā€œUser Linksā€ SHOULD be ā€œconnected to the feed or authorā€, not just ā€œusuallyā€. This would make the link metadata more semantically useful.


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net Great, Iā€™ll check out the PWA first then!šŸ‘

While MithrilJS is a good library I find if wasted when not used with JSX, you can probably enhance the syntax by using htm for the templating if you want to keep it light or use the renderer of esbuild directly.

In my projects I usually use uhtml, itā€™s a simple to use and blazing fast templating library, It doesnā€™t even use the Shadow DOM the usual JSX rely on, you should try it for your next project. šŸ˜œ


(#knoga2q) @prologic@twtxt.net Hmm, short of ā€œclarifyingā€ the spec to specifically state that links must be to the userā€™s own sites, itā€™s hard to think of a universal solution. I think Iā€™d still err towards assuming that links are to the userā€™s own pages, since I think they will be in almost all cases, but obviously thereā€™s an argument to be made against making that assumption, tooā€¦


(#35kn2ia) @prologic@twtxt.net I think in those days ā€œeveryoneā€ on the internet was a geek who loved doing things themselves. Now the internet is used by literally everyone, and most of them donā€™t understand how it works any better than how their car works. It has to Just Work.

I guess whatā€™s needed is for self-hosting to be one of those things that Just Works, without the average person having to know how. (In addition to educating the public better about what the internet is, of course.)


(#knoga2q) @prologic@twtxt.net Ah sorry, gotcha. šŸ˜€
Hmm, you make an interesting point. I would assume that most links a user would add would be to their own profiles, but maybe not all?
The Metadata spec says ā€œA link to some other resource which is often connected to the feed or authorā€.
I think my inclination would be yes, add it to all of them, but I can also see that a user could put links there that arenā€™t their own. šŸ¤”


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net The PWA setup is a bit confusing to me, can you explain how to run it?

I can see that youā€™re using the templating in the html but iā€™m lost on how it bind with the backend.

My usual PWA setup is entirely separated from the backend.

I also worked a lot with NodeJS too and now iā€™m working on creating a bundle-less setup that is light and easy to use and donā€™t need any tooling at all except for a static server and a browser.


(#35kn2ia) @prologic@twtxt.net

People donā€™t want to run their own servers, and never will.

šŸ‘Ž šŸ‘Ž šŸ‘Ž

On the face of it itā€™s a generalisation, but s/People/99.99% of people/ and the statement becomes objectively true.
My opinion on decentralised communications protocols is basically: Being able to run your own instance - easily - is very, very important. But being required to run your own instance dooms the system to failure / being very niche at best. Mastodon is a great example which fails at both; itā€™s hard to self-host and thereā€™s no obvious canonical instance to sign up to if you donā€™t want to host your own.
