Would anyone object to the feeds.twtxt.net service having auth soon™ ? 🤔 I’m tired of the garbage feeds that it has accumulated over tie (spammers) and I want to a) clean it up b) lock it down somewhat.
The idea would be that you’d login with your Yarn.social account on some pod you control/operate or share with a nice person 🤣 – For those unfamiliar, this is called IndieAuth or IndieLogin. ALL Yarn.social pods are in fact valid (have been for years now) IndieAuth Providers. So I can just ust that. This also technically means you could login with your own domain too (more on that later…)
(#3lby6ja) @bender@twtxt.net Aye aye 🙌
(#3lby6ja) @doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt Is that implementing IndieAuth? 🤔
(#3lby6ja) @prologic@twtxt.net Totally fine with me, I don’t use it. I just have to when hacking on yarnd, because it phones this service.