

"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

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Recent twts from prologic

(#2hmj7aq) Hmmmm

Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency, is not illegal globally but is banned in some countries due to its potential use in illicit activities. Countries like Dubai, Japan, South Korea, and Australia have either banned or recommended a ban on privacy coins like Monero.23 Oct 2023

That’s not good 😌

#l4pyb2a is looking for a few small projects to add to his contractor/freelance CV and has reached out to me to see if he could do a bit of work on the mobile app. He’s done work before in the past and has done a pretty decent job.

Two projects we’ve discussed:

  • Flutter upgrade and cleanup, ensuring the mobile app builds successfully with the latest Flutter (which breaks all the time 🤦‍♂️)
  • A UI/UX Redesign of the Mobile App with a Bottom Nav Bar layout. This would end up having something like Timeline | Mentioned | Profile – Maybe it could also have “Search” too if I somehow found the time to add an appropriate search endpoint to the API.

What do y’all think? 🤔


(#6wse6fa) Well it’s screwed with my working hours somewhat, but this year I’ve decided to just “not give a shit”™ and just get up at the normal time and start at the time I had been starting work the past 6 months, 8.30am. In practise it probably means I end up working a bit longer for ½ the year, but oh well, at least I don’t have to fiddle with my alarm clock ⏰


(#reqcmca) That’s precisely what I’m talking about. Investing in good businesses that are well established. If they also produce an income in the form of a distribution or dividend, that that’s even better. YOu can have some tax benefits too if you do it right. But the trap? (I think) is falling into this false sense of security of thinking you can leverage up to the bank’s LVR (Loan to Value Ratio) only to get caught up. Best to be conservative so you can take the wild swings and obviously diversity.
