(#x3lil7q) I’ll file a merge request to twet team.
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(#x3lil7q) I’ll file a merge request to twet team.
(#x3lil7q) The funtion ExpandInlineFiles turns ‘{i}/path/to/filename.jpg’ into ‘![filename](https://twtxt.site.net/media/filenamehash.jpg)’: uses scp to upload /path/to/filename.jpg to remote folder specified by media.folder, renaming it to a hash string based on filename, filenamehash; and concatenates the value of media.url with filenamehash.
(#x3lil7q) The media.folder is a valid scp path (server:/path/to/media_folder) and media.url preffix for each media link (https://txtxt.server.net/media).
(#x3lil7q) Inpsired by function ExpandMentions in https://github.com/jdtron/twet and settings hooks.[pre|post] on config.yaml, I created function ExpandInlineFiles and added media.folder and media.url to config.yaml.
(#igxqehq) I was able to post this image from terminal using command % twet tweet Hi! Check this out, Lisbon from south part {i}../../../Pictures/View_From_Cristo_Rei.jpeg
Proposal enhancement to https://github.com/jdtron/twet fork.
(#eqvu3kq) @prologic@twtxt.net Thank you :)
(#eqvu3kq) Does anyone knows why the image on the post I’m replying to is not being displayed inline? By looking at the syntax of image embedding, it seems similar to other posts…
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net Twtxting from terminal is addictive :D
(#5gshm3a) @chartersazevedo@nexp.pt Obrigado! Os meus feeds estarão aqui https://twtxt.anxsnest.eu.
(#womrxga) @mutefall@twtxt.net Thank you for that. I’m loving it so far :D
(#womrxga) @prologic@twtxt.net Oh that is neat. Thank you for your patience clearing these basic doubts.
Finally got twet - another twtxt client - working on my system. The README.md under https://github.com/jdtron/twet should be more explicit, some us have no clue what Go is. The instructions in https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-build-and-install-go-programs got me going.
Hello, World!