

Jason Gilman - IT Admin, Fediverse fan, and Mead, WA resident.

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Recent Twts

Recent twts from axodys

Had my first eye exam in forever last night and ordered some new glasses now that I have an updated prescription. I went with frames that are pretty similar to what I already use, but image mockup technology has improved a lot since the last time I ordered so I amused my kids with pictures of myself with wild frames first.


(#owkdycq) Hmm, interesting. My original interpretation was that the (#hash) was hidden by’s UI, but then when I saw it turn up in the UI for some posts I started to get confused because my incorrect expectation was that a (#hash) would either always be exposed or always hidden and a mix of the two never occurred to me.

As far as GO knowledge I have some casual programming experience and have looked at the source a little, but I wasn’t able to identify the relevant parts of the code base. I am interested in understanding further, although I’m not sure how much I can contribute.


(#x43iebq) I’m a bit confused about how the two different reply icon buttons behave. The speech bubble with a plus doesn’t supply a post id tag to the edit field at all, while the double speech (conversation?) icon supplies the id tag of the post you’re replying to rather than the original root. Shouldn’t both options supply some kind of id tag to the edit field?


(#nzojsda) Looks like only one of my two judge position choices won their race. The winner I didn’t vote for is currently working as a deputy prosecutor and won quite handily which in retrospect feels predictable given the conservative tendencies of Spokane County. Regardless, all four candidates were well qualified and I’m perfectly content with the outcome.


I’m really happy with how well has been working out so far.’s feed (persona) functionality is probably my single favorite feature because it lets me do topical microblogging.


Need to wrap up my ballot so I can drop it off at our library ballot box later today. This area has a surprising number of unopposed candidates for the minor positions which I find depressing.


📺 I’ve been enjoying Shantaram on AppleTV quite a bit. I’ve never read the novel, but I may have to track it down. 1980s era Bombay is a fascinating milieu and I find the characters and story quite compelling


Still in the process of transitioning from Dark Sky to Apple’s built-in weather app on my phone. Not sure what I’m going to use on the desktop. I’ve actively hated for years because it never recognizes or remembers my location, but I keep going back. Old habits die hard.😐


Filled the yard waste bin and three garbage bags with pine needles and I’m still not done! Pretty much par for the course for this time of year, but Friday’s wind storm amped things up a bit. Time to get back to it.


Took a break from regular microblogging (on a friend’s site) when I went on vacation back in July and never started up again. Decided to host my own pod a couple weeks ago and finally got it working tonight.
