david @netbros.com


đŸ™‹đŸ»â€â™‚ïž A silly carbon based life form, as special as everyone else. — I like brain nurturing engagement, carefully crafted discourse, opinionated content, and the Oxford comma. If you are alike then follow, and I will too!

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Recent twts from david

(#sb6fema) @prologic@twtxt.net such a lying bastard! This has little to nothing to do with children, and/or placing “the power back in the hands of parents”. It is about them politicians, to grant themselves the ability to intimidate, silence and prosecute those speaking against their sleazy behaviours. đŸ˜ĄđŸ€Ź


(#govyi7a) @prologic@twtxt.net it is $450,000, not $450M. Still a seizable amount of money, but not on the same order of magnitude. Also, we can do both: worry about our own planet and resources, and people, and look to the stars. We wouldn’t be anywhere if we didn’t do many things at once. :-)


(#ugpi43a) @prologic@twtxt.net hmm, I don’t understand your twt asking “Anyone have any other details on this story from AWS with their EFS and sub-millisecond latencies? Apparently the story posted on /. was a dupe, but I can’t find the original one” then. The “story” was simply the blog post I linked you on IRC, nothing else. It was posted twice on Slashdot. This one, and this one.


(#ulikega) @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org very nice shot! I had to look up snowdrops, as I was not familiar with the plant. They look lovely, do they have a nice fragrance? For this picture I would have removed the leave at the top left, and the one in the middle, in between them. I know purists will say that’s editing, and tampering with the order of nature. I’d reply that’s artistic freedom. :-) As I said, lovely nevertheless.


(#tgdrf4a) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net it is an upsetting case, and one it could be easier to solve should Kamila be simply disqualified—which, based on findings, she should. But as she is not yet, and is being allowed to compete, and the final ruling on her doping case will drag for weeks, you don’t want her winning gold medal now, to later be known someone else is actually the gold winner, and having to swap medals, etc. She is the favourite to win, by the way.

With all facts found, she should be disqualified. End of story.


I find it interesting that there hasn’t been a dispute between Apple and Alphabet when it comes the use of the word Messages. Apple Messages (named Messages) saw light in 2007, while Google Messages (also named Messages) saw light in 2014. They both have similar function, but are exclusive to the OS they run on. I think that is the reason Google Messages might never show on the App Store (though it would give Alphabet the upper hand if it were to be).

I understand there is Apple Maps and Google Maps too, which is also puzzling. On this one Google was first.


(#r5m3zxq) @prologic@twtxt.net we are not talking about “big business” or “corporate propaganda”, unless you consider Joe that. Joe has misinformed. Joe has hosted people who seek to misinform, and spread misinformation and lies. Joe has engaged in “propaganda and lies”. He has encouraged it, either because he truly aligns to them, or for profit; either way the end result is damaging and bad. Boycotts have existed since I have memory; some have worked, some haven’t. The tubes has simply made it easier to boycott someone/something.

The problem goes beyond Joe, and COVID. There are people doing harm, and trying to do harm, each day (including politics, environment, finances, religions, you name it!). Their message of hate, and harm gets amplified by the internet, and gullible people eats it. Weak minded believes it. Each of us gets to decide. Each of us bears the responsibility.


(#r5m3zxq) @prologic@twtxt.net would you call disallowing access to Facebook, or Snapchat, to your children censorship? Would you call not aligning yourself to Neonazis censorship? Wouldn’t you agree that stopping people spreading misinformation—misinformation with the potential to kill many, or cause harm—is worth “censoring”? There are things to which you simply put a stop. Some people and/or their ideas are not up for debate. Do you think any amount of debate will make your old man stop believing on his religion?


(#bgxj5dq) @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org nice click! Though the pictures are nice, on this twt is the rest of the story what gives the punch. It sounds like that road would be a cop’s paradise. If it were here, a cop would be staking it at least once a week, and writing all the monthly citations on that one sweet spot. 😂

A 20km hike is awesome exercise! Which reminds me that I need it get back to running. 😬


(#547xbhq) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net it varies in the States. Where I live, in neighbourhoods it is 40km/hour. Inner city roads is 70km/hour and highways is 113km/hour. In all places, a posted speed sign overwrites.

Almost everyone violates. Not me, unless my abiding the law causes traffic issues, or could cause accidents. Then I violate the law as well.


(#yadfata) @prologic@twtxt.net the Australian government has all your information, right? Every possible PII of you they have. They have your fingerprints, and other minutiae. Doctors have much information too. Banks and credit cards companies have your purchasing history, and financial power. Credit bureaus—I asume Australia has those too—have a trove on information about you as well. And so on and so forth.

Considering that all those are, allegedly, worse than Apple at keeping your information secure, and private, what’s the problem with iCloud?


“It doesn’t open” — said partner, while unsuccessfully trying to open a meatball container. “If Aladdin would have said the same thing at the cave’s mouth, he wouldn’t have found riches, nor the magical lamp, nor we had had an amazing story to listen” — I replied, opening the container whilst saying out loud “Open sesame!”


(#nzwskjq) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net that’s a nice, good morning to wake up to! Clear skies, crispy cold
 so nice. I woke up 30 minutes ago, it is a bit past eight now. Today is warm, at 16°C, and I ashamed of having overslept.

I wonder, do those vehicles have to make it out through that narrow passage? I can imagine the problem when everyone wants out at rush time.


(#to7y4xa) @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org quite a few gems you got on that trek! I am on mobile now, but 25, and 26 stood out, and well as the one at dusk. It is hard to believe it was cold and snowy, as pretty much all the clicks gave me the feeling of warm, and peacefulness.

You know, even if I wanted I wouldn’t be able to show you nice places like those from here. To see something near to what you see I would have to jump in the car, and drive far. While it is true the saying “grass is always greener on the other side”, I wish I had the scenery you have, that’s for sure!
