justamoment @twtxt.net


"If you can't have it... build it yourself!" - @justamoment

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(#2kj5qta) @thecanine@twtxt.net Yeah, if something is missing, me, you and everyone else can add anything they might need.

It’s true that it shares data with chrome since it IS chrome even if installed.

Using Cordova should fill the need of physically separate the app from the browser plus adding an API for native interactions and having more control on the output generated.

Still, the first step is to have the app working. 😜


(#2kj5qta) @thecanine@twtxt.net I’m more of a circle fan, but everything can be done, it could be a custom option.

Your concerns about switching to a webapp are not much to worry about if the PWA is made correctly, Here an example i made when building my ParcelJS setup for my office, if you select “Install App” from the tab options it will install like a normal app.

Also AppsGeyser simply wrap with a frame your website, a PWAs is not made that way.

To learn more on PWAs check this out.


(#2kj5qta) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net Yeah. I already know of it, but I think it’s dangerous if used without thinking.

I prefer doing a simple sketch by hand or stylized (like the one I shared) to avoid getting used to a style and then getting stuck to it on any iteration.

To me mockups should be to plan and understand how a pure interface works best and nothing more.

I compare designing then as playing with index cards, you shuffle them, fold them and overlap them.

This is something that those tools never helped me do easily.


(#2kj5qta) @prologic@twtxt.net Nice. Yeah, let’s focus on that.

I also recall Google offering a section dedicated to publishing pure PWAs directly in the Play store but I’m not sure if it’s still there.

And also being a PWA could open the possibility of an iOS version too, I don’t own any Apple devices so can’t help there. 😎


(#6uaf4fq) @ullarah@txt.quisquiliae.com I first noticed on my phone on Chrome then on PC the issue was still there on Chromium on Linux.

I should expand on my definition of flexibility:

Regarding CSS, the general rules on CSS often seems complex but once I started using Suit CSS on plain projects (or BEM if you prefer) and CSS Modules with bundlers plus dropping any kind of framework, the only limitations became how CSS worked natively.

I also started using CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid for anything on layouts and all my problems vanished.

I also use CSS over JS for most of my interfaces, instead of replacing a section I just hide or move it with CSS allowing me to change many parts by just switching a simple class.


(#2kj5qta) @carsten@yarn.zn80.net Yeah, I looked up at a bunch of Twitter UI redesigns on Behance and Dribbble to understand how they tried to “improve” the app and took what felt nice to me for the #pwa

For me an ergonomic interface is very important and keeping in mind the various ways to use a touchscreen + the desktop interface, I kept the possibility of having multiple layouts to switch to the user’s liking.


(#pv7ouaq) @prologic@twtxt.net No problem! 👍

I can understand your reasoning and i know the pure syntax is not the only part involved when developing in general.

I guess when a programming language changes a lot it’s much harder to adapt and break habits.

Having a clear idea of what you expect from your code and language is a lifesaver when working with many people, ever more in open source projects like yarn.

Keep it up! 💪😎


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net I can agree on JSX and similar but I must say that arrow functions, classes and so on are quite nice once you get used to them.

I too ended up wanting less and less but exactly for that reason I really enjoy those new stuff the platform offers natively.

Anyway, I’ll keep your style as much as I can. 👍


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net Great, I’ll check out the PWA first then!👍

While MithrilJS is a good library I find if wasted when not used with JSX, you can probably enhance the syntax by using htm for the templating if you want to keep it light or use the renderer of esbuild directly.

In my projects I usually use uhtml, it’s a simple to use and blazing fast templating library, It doesn’t even use the Shadow DOM the usual JSX rely on, you should try it for your next project. 😜


(#m7o5dpa) @prologic@twtxt.net The PWA setup is a bit confusing to me, can you explain how to run it?

I can see that you’re using the templating in the html but i’m lost on how it bind with the backend.

My usual PWA setup is entirely separated from the backend.

I also worked a lot with NodeJS too and now i’m working on creating a bundle-less setup that is light and easy to use and don’t need any tooling at all except for a static server and a browser.
