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Recent Twts

Recent twts from lyse

(#nzydkda) My made-up rule is to keep at least three full months in the main feed and when rotating, I create one feed per month. There is no real recommendation I think. But if you hit half a MiB or so, it might be worth considering to rotate in order to keep the network traffic low. People with bad connectivitiy might appreciate it. I want to implement HTTP range requests in my client rewrite at some point in time (but first, it has to become kinda usable, though).


(#wgp7m2q) I’m all in on paper. In fact I noted down a todo item today on a physical sheet of paper when I was on the phone with a workmate. It then occurred to me that I could have just written it in a scratch file.

The parchment, on the other hand, might be a bit wasteful for just temporary ideas that are not perfectly layed out yet.


(#57suhlq) Yeah, the Swiss and C++ programmers use apostrophes. :-) My grandpa had an electronic desk calculator that also used some kind of apostrophes as the thousands separator on its cool display. Maybe it consisted of Nixie tubes, can’t remember anymore.

I think non-breaking spaces are preferred nowadays to avoid the confusion.
