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Recent twts from lyse

(#d5n4myq) I can’t think of a single one. Pretty lucky so far. Holy cow, congrats on that title. I do have plugged in the more important equipment in a power strip with surge protection. The weird thing was, that only one of the monitors went black for a second. The other one (both are behind surge protection) remained operational the entire time. Maybe EMP? It was closer to the window than the other one.


(#aiqtdda) Such piece of shit software makes me want to quit. Esp. if it is just for useless compliance garbage that never helped anybody accomplishing any real improvement. Is it from IBM? We once had to build a threat model with some terrible generator and my goodness, you can’t believe what a myriad of hopelessly useless, wrong entries it produced. Thousands of thousands of lines. At least it was markdown. We basically removed like 99% of its output after reading through every single item. Did this once and refused to touch it ever since. All hand-written now and actually helpful.


(#qf7pavq) Jaja,, immer schön aufmerksam der guten Steckdosenpräsi folgen und im Anschluss in der Exzellenztabelle was eintragen und ausrechnen lassen! :-D Klingt alles recht albern. Ich schätz aber mal, dass einem das gar nicht mehr auffällt. Fenster 11 → Windows 11; KraftPunkt (or Steckdose) → PowerPoint; Deppendrehkreuz (awesome translation btw, I had to laugh hard!) → GitHub.


Went out in the cold and noticed that taking photos half an hour on top of the drafty summit is not the very best idea. Not suprising that I freeze if there is snow. Gloves would have been actually great, I only wore my beanie. But it was a very good afternoon and evening. Looking at the snowmen, there must have been heaps of snow on the ground earlier this day.

I came across several different birds and two deer. 36-38 shows the same one, one meadow further, another deer jumped across the road. That was cool.

The focus often wanted to do its own thing, unfortunately. 25 shows the flatness of the Kaiserbergsteige (literally “Emperor Mountain Steep Road”).


Oh, you finally did implement multithreading, Cool, cool. :-) Just in case you want to keep working on PMdusage, my suggestion for a future upgrade is to make the scan abortable. 8-) By the way, what does “PM” in “PMdusage” stand for?

Always great to see that bugs are quickly fixed.

There’s a tiny typo in the second to last paragraph: “Windows NT is something that I had no contact with…”


(#jmbfhca) Nice, I can confirm it’s now fixed. I reckon the Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 did the trick. Something in the twtxt client must have incorrectly guessed ISO-8859-1 or something along those lines when there was no charset advertised in the response header.


(#f57rmoq) That’s what I figured, since ncdu shows it at the bottom. ;-) But it’s actually pretty smart, to be honest. More space for precious content. And the title bar exists anyway, so why not make use of it with something helpful? Also, with entries being in descending order, it’s actually natural to show the sum as the even higher number above the largest entry and not at the bottom in another status line widget. 8-)


(#jmbfhca) Welcome!

What the heck is going on with the encoding here?! The feed’s Content-Type header does not include any charset, but I’m still relying on the official twtxt client to fetch and parse feeds. Haven’t noticed this with any other feeds. Where in the chain is this messed up? :-? Seems like the “space” is the Unicode line separator U+2028, that we use for newlines.


(#75dry2q) I got an e-mail today about my Linux notebook reaching end of support, yada yada yada. It mentioned that with the new stuff Okular will be able to sign PDFs. Never ever had to use that, but maybe some Linux user finds this information useful.
