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Recent twts from prologic

(#3nxy6qq) Bahahaha in hindsight I got rid of that 🤣 Just silly nonsense, just one of those things when you create an account on yet-another silly centralized platform(s) and go “fuck” someone’s already taken the username I want 😅


(#2zve52q) No I agree. I think if the feed doesn’t hint at a nick, just default to displaying the bare domain. These sorts of things btw need to go into a Client recommendations / guidelines. If someone wants to start drafting up such I doc I will fully support this and help shape it 👌


One thing I’ve learned over the many years now (approaching a decade and a half now) about self-hosting is two things; 1) There are many “assholes” on the open Internet that will either attack your stuff or are incompetent and write stupid shit™ that goes crazy on your stuff 2) You have to be careful about resources, especially memory and disk i/o. Especially disk i/o. this can kill your overall performance when you either have written software yourself or use someone else’s that can do unconfined/uncontrolled disk i/o causing everything to grind to a halt and even fail. #self-hosted


(#2ati6aq) Nah, just had a quick skim and read through all the threads. Pretty rubbish comments really. Nothing of value there. Might explain the massive hit on my infra though recently? (today)? 🤔


(#ywl4paq) Okay. Going to Settings -> Applications and creating a new Application Token with Repository Read/Write access works just fine. You clone over https and push over https and user your username and token as creds.


(#ywl4paq) Ahh I see what I’ve done. That was a bit unfortunate 🤣 Because was a non-proxied DNS entry so that Git+SSH would also work, I now have a problem hmm. How not to expose my IP(s) directly and open them up to attack? 🤔


(#ywl4paq) What’s not working for you? What’s the error? 🤔 I recently had to firewall off access to my infra for Web traffic and only permit ingress via Cloudflare. Why? 😅 Because some asshole(s) on the Internet decided it would be a good idea to send me in excess of 300 rps to my Git server 🤦‍♂️


(#malf2rq) Here’s a visual of what happened before I firewalled off all web traffic to force it to go through Cloudflare. Don’t even ask me how my IP addresses got found out, but either this is malicious, incompetent or my wider ISP is being DDoS’d (it’s happened before).


Well that was fun! 🤩 I was being attacked directly (bypasses Cloudflare somehow) and whatever dafuq that was was killing my ingress and causing it to get OOM killed 😱 I was seeing 100s of requests per second!!! 😱


You really cannot beat UNIX, no really. Everything else ever invented sucks in comparison 🤣

$ diff -Ndru <(restic snapshots | grep minio | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u) <(restic snapshots | grep minio | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I{} restic forget -n {} | grep -E '\{.*\}' | sed -e 's/{//g;s/}//g' | sort -u) | tee | wc -l; echo $?


Woot! I got wolfssl and the wolfssl command-line tool compiled successfully and installed on µLinux 💪 Now I can do all sorts of crypto stuff, generate TLS keys, etc all from a tiny ~20MB Linux distro 🥳
