

"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

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(#eo5c7oq) Fair enough 🤣 To be honest, I don’t really have an opinion either way, I think what he’s done is a bit “silly” of course, but I dunno. I’ve never. been invested in Wordpress as I said. I’d like to think I’d behave much better than Mat in a similar circumstance, but then again I’m not lucky? enough to be in that position (stink’n rich and wealthy), so who knows 😅


I can’t decide which DCDC charger to. buy for my Camper trailer. Help me! 🙏 Currently it’s a choice between:

The only advantage of the Renogy over the KickAss/ITech models is it has Bluetooth monitoring and an App capabilities so you can check the state of the battery/charging/etc from your phone.


(#aznhzra) I guess the way SimpleX does its routing is quote clever and ingineious really. – However we never designed that way. That wasn’t an attack vector we were really concerned with right? I’ve been using SimpleX with you for the last day or so now and reading up on it, and whilst there are some overlapping and similar ideas I feel that SimpleX has slightly different design goals right?

I mean is more designed to be self-hosted, with good crypto but we never tried to set out to build a complex multi-broker, relay network-type protocol right? Do we need to? Probably not I think. Hmmm 🧐


(#7hnxq7a) I mean generally speaking you would cache things for a period of time right? There are other things you could do as well to build a better more resilient system. These are good conversations to have, however we, and by we I mean mostly and I really, haven’t had a lot of time to spend/invest in of late 😭 Are you interested in helping continue it’s development with us? Do you have any experience with cryptography and/or programming language like Go?


(#wxydpua) So… Yes all this is sorta/kinda true, remember I used to work there once (great place to work, awful company). It isn’t by design or on-purpose I don’t think, at least not from the perspective I had back then.

What really needs to happen here in general, and I’ve said it before; is this:

Profiting off of user-generated data and metadata should be made illegal.

Social Media (systems) don’t need to be regulated beyond not allowing minors to access social media. But if you enact the changes to laws (see above) such that profiting off of userdata is made illegal, then you minors can be potentially “safe” from predators. Let’s be honest, predators are the “big tech” companies that make this shit™ highly addictive to the point where it “rots your brain”.
