

"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

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Recent Twts

Recent twts from prologic

Oh I forgot again 🤦‍♂️ Last Saturday of the month, so if anyone’s up for a friendly catch up over video tomorrow? Same time, same place 👌


Anyway, I’m gonna have to go to bed… We’ll continue this on the weekend. Still trying to hunt down some kind of suspected mult-GB avatar using ’s pod’s cache:

$ (echo "URL Bytes"; sort -n -k 2 -r < avatars.txt | head) | column -t
URL                                                                                                       Bytes                                                                  667640                                                                    652960                                                                                603210        327947

But so far nothing much… Still running the search…


Hmmm 🧐

for url in $(jq -r '.Twters[].avatar' cache.json | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v -E '(|||' | sort -u); do echo "$url $(curl -I -s -o /dev/null -w '%header{content-length}' "$url")"; done

😅 Let’s see… 🤔


(#ve43paq) Just thinking out loud here… With that PR merged (or if you built off that branch), you might hopefully see new errors popup and we might catch this problematic bad feed in the act? Hmmm 🧐


(#uqxxstq) So… The only way I see this happening at all is if your pod is fetching feeds which have multi-GB sized avatar(s) in their feed metadata. So the PR I linked earlier will plug that flaw. But now I want to confirm that theory. Can I get you to dump your cache to JSON for me and share it with me?


(#uqxxstq) Hah 😈

Fri Jul 26 00:22:44
 (main) 0
$ sift 'yarnd-avatar-*'
internal/utils.go:666:	tf, err := receiveFile(res.Body, "yarnd-avatar-*") Don’t suppose you can inspect one of those files could you? Kinda wondering if there’s some other abuse going on here that I need to plug? 🔌


Hmm remove the cpu limits on this pod, not even sure why I had ‘em set tbh, we decided at my day job that setting cpu limits on containers is a bit of a silly idea too. Anyway, pod should be much snappier now 😅


(#uqxxstq) Hopefully you should see traffic die off a bit too as the /external endpoint is no longer externally abusable (get it) without being an authenticated user – which became problematic 🤦‍♂️ – The web is so fucking hostile 🤬
