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Recent Twts

Recent twts from assets

this is from the can spam act. why did they choose the hyphen. do they actually require a dash instead of a hyphen. i have questions and no one should take the time to give me answers


The phrase “SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT” comprises 17 characters, including the dash between the two words. The colon (:) and the space following the phrase are the 18th and 19th characters.


is there fediverse lore written down anywhere? like – there was that one person who had a coworker who ate dog food, right? and – fuck brewster kahle? I don’t want to be the one who makes this list but I want it to exist


pondering whether I want to make an alt for microbloggy content. it is currently managed much more manually than (zero cron? in a maya project?? :ACNH_Shocked:) but…


update: tried it, UI doesn’t want to load more than about 170, so that wouldn’t go back far enough to catch e.g. people posting from maya-is-sleeping timezones. boo!


I have a round robin sort script that I use for Miniflux, so I can have a page load hundreds of posts, then round robin sort them by feed. Would that be useful on Mastodon? Is that worth trying? Hmm.
