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Recent Twts

Recent twts from assets

I just want to send someone some CSS to shove into Stylus (or the instance custom CSS if you’re a particularly YOLOy admin) and then click around and see if anything seems mega-broken at this point it would basically fit in a toot but I’m going to put it on my website so I can add explanatory comments, which wouldn’t


would anyone on mastodon v4 want to help me test out user CSS to un-vertical the horrible sidebar? I have something that looks okay on the display of other people’s v4 instances, but I’m not logged in


fuck me is Chrome just not showing my photo border-image w o w w w Google Chrome, you get to go sit in the stupid corner with Apple “Sure I know what SVG filters are” Safari


I think a number of new people followed me because I used to use Twitter. I use Mastodon somewhat differently; it is much closer to my own website. Instead of a choice selection of techie RTs, you might, for instance, see a few days of belle-epoque-posting for no discernible cause. Please do not be alarmed: this is intended and the system is working as designed.


so a lot of this mini-project i have somehow embarked on has to do with figuring out what it is that they’re saying the appropriate size is given that they have such strong opinions and it’s complicated by letters being written on paper folded like this.. but not written in the order you’d think?


“But the past is gone, and dealing with the present it becomes a duty to present a review of things to be and not those that have been, and consider the living and not the recondite.” this is about STATIONERY


jeno jando’s beethoven sonatas are my go to. there was another artist’s recordings i liked back in high school also, but there’s nothing like being able to throw Old Reliable Jando on the speakers


is it worth it to file an insurance claim for the stuff that went bad over the power outage? would it blunt the emotional impact of having to compost my nicely packed and labeled frozen meals


yesterday i hyperfocused for Quite a While on proving something might be a problem, using linear optimization, and today my brain feels sort of refreshed, exercised. whatever the pertinent characteristic is of that work, i need to do more like it.


are there queer Christian (esp. Catholic) hashtags I don’t know about? I feel bad sitting there guessing in’s hashtag search over and over. :boost_requested:
