

"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

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Recent twts from prologic

(#ujlhoma) LOL 😂 I tried to even read the blog post, but I couldn’t. In all bluntness and honestly the layout and style of the website is total garbage, not to mention it’s written in a language I cannot read, but because it’s just so poorly written the translation service can’t translate it properly 🤦‍♂️ So point across FAIL


(#vwbo3aa) I think it comes down to one of the principles was founded on, which is to say, users should have choices and what they “see” is not driven by “algorithms”. The “Discover” view in and of itself has utility/value to others, and is otherwise just a “view” of a pod’s cache, but I agree with you. It was even getting noisey for me 🤣


(#4h6nt7a) In other words, there isn’t anything specifically wrong with the Twtxt spec (+extensions), but if you for example use a client and server combination that never considered the User-Agent header and check logs or intercept requests for your feed, than you end up missing an important part of the whole flow (unless you are of course deliberating ignoring that, e.g: 1-way feeds, news feeds, etc).


(#tztwmua) Also, I don’t really care whether you continue to use my pod or not frankly.

One more reason not to use

negative comments like this are completely unconstructive and have no basis in merit. If you have issues with the way I administer my pod, speak up, provide alternatives. If you have good technical suggestions for Twtxt/Yarn, we’re all ears. We are only trying (or attempt to try) to make things better for all, which as you can appreciate is a hard thing to do.

Next time, please leave your constructive criticisms at home. No-one forces you to use my pod (for free).


(#7ef2sea) Do you have an alternate proposal? What we want to avoid really (if possible) is the idea of “1-ay posting” or “posting to the void”. As an obvious example, the idea of syncing your Mastoon toots to Twtxt twts that you never see replies to is well umm just silly 🤣 and thus creates unwanted noise as it’s just like talking to a “brick wall” 😥
