eapl.me @eapl.me


Human Level 36, Engineer šŸ”§, scientist šŸ”¬ y co-creator of organizations šŸŒ±, living in Mexico šŸŒŽ, and working with people across the world šŸ—ŗļø y, learning to enjoy life! Texts and links on https://eapl.me

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Recent Twts

Recent twts from eapl.me

(#ckwbdwq) Disclaimer: Although I know the basis, Iā€™m not an expert by any means. I like twtxt even with its disadvantages, blockchains are an interesting technology but itā€™s difficult to love them, although Iā€™m not radicalized as I have written before. I donā€™t hate blockchains b/c I donā€™t want to spend my energy hating them.

So, when technology, monetary power, decision-making, and other sensitive topics are put together, itā€™s tricky to have a single definition.
A quick search on ā€˜Distributed vs Decentralizedā€™ gave:

Decentralized systems offer power to the many, not just the few.
[ā€¦] Distributed systems can enable resource sharing and improve efficiency and performance. These systems can function with or without a central authority.

From the first result on Google: https://www.hivenet.com/post/decentralized-or-distributed-whats-the-big-difference

ChatGPT says:

[ā€¦] While both federated and decentralized platforms involve distributed systems, they differ in terms of control and decision-making. [ā€¦] The key characteristic of a distributed platform is the distribution of workload and data across multiple nodes, allowing for parallel processing and faster response times.

From a long response of about 3,500 characters. Itā€™s not a simple topic to grasp.

Why Google and GPT? I think those are the first sources for many people now. Perhaps not the most trustable sources if you ask me.

So I think having your vision on the topic would be enlightening. But losing it in the emerging flow of twts would be a shame.


(#ohrlr6a) When I talk about twtxt with friends, usually that question emerges.
Whatā€™s the difference between Federated, Distributed, and Decentralized?ā€¦ And also the difference between platforms, systems, services, and such.
I remember we discussed that a few months ago.

I think you should have a post in your blog or similar as a future reference.


(#nqcozgq) Well, smol.pub has some unique features for the smol net community:
From the main page:

Smol Pub is tiny blogging service.
Web interface and CLI to manage your posts.
Accessible from Web, Gemini and Gopher.
Storage for your images.
Write custom CSS for web.
Attach your custom domain with SSL.
Export your posts.
No JavaScript, ads, or tracking technology.

I was using Gohugo and it was so painful to start writing, and push the HTML to the server, that I stopped writing. It was almost impossible to fix a typo on my phone or simply push a quick text.
Smol.pub is a typical blogging platform but compatible with Gemini, has a customizable interface and it just works.
And although is too simplistic, Gemtext works for me as an alternative to Markdown.

I wrote a bit about that here: https://text.eapl.mx/writing-in-2021


(#kwnxdia) Thatā€™s neat!
I donā€™t know what are you thinking of exactly. Yarn Pods?

As an example, my blog is ā€˜hostedā€™ on smol.pub with a perpetual key for 5 USD. I think thatā€™s subsidized, m15o is paying to keep the lights on. But I like this service so much, that paying 0.5 or 1 dollar per month is nothing!

Compared with the effort of paying 2-5 USD/month for a VPS, setting up a Go environment, updating dependencies in a language I donā€™t master, tweaking things, and maintaining everything for a personal smol.pub instance. I tried to run it once, and I quit after a few hours.


(#iaiqdeq) It could be interesting.
As has been discussed, these services are ā€˜centralizedā€™, although having mirrors hosted by volunteers syncing somehow, would be a good idea. So if one server disappears you can jump to another.

I lost track of Registries, but they seem to be down, which is an example of that problem:

And Iā€™m aware of this kind of CSVs made by ā€˜scraping a social graphā€™, but they seem to be manually updated:


(#nrtxtpa) what do you have in mind?
I was using 6 USD servers from Digital Ocean, but saw that on Vultr they start at 2.5 USD.

VPS are great to learn, although paying a dollar for a service with no maintenance makes sense to me by all the time we save. The problem exists when you donā€™t use the service that much and have to pay anyway.


(#f3v3ufq) it also happened for my yarn Pod.
Paying for a service you are not using (that much) is a weird feeling.

But itā€™s a weird feeling too not paying for a service you are using šŸ˜†


After breaking my VPS, and deciding to kill it, now eapl.me is up again, but with a Ionos shared hosting. twtxt-php on PHP 8.2 is working (after a few fixes), and I need to lift a few services more.


(#6zukyvq) Hey! How are you doing?
Iā€™m checking that a few of your twts are still dated in a future time. For example, this one Iā€™m replying to appears to me like 16 minutes after the current time.

I got to say that I implemented that possibility just for your twtxt feed, so itā€™s not a big deal šŸ˜›


(#r63zi7a) I dislike many things about Web3 (not to be confused with Web 3.0). Decentralization is not one of the reasons, but the interests behind since they are not sustainable, in my opinion.

To know why I dislike it, I had to use it.
Briefly used https://3speak.tv since a few Latin ā€˜YouTubersā€™ I followed, said they were migrating to those platforms as they were earning more than the benefits from Ad impressions and Subscriptions, with less effort. They were receiving ā€˜likesā€™ more like a tips model. ā€œI like your content, create more, take a dollarā€.
All my content on YouTube is for free, so sincerely donā€™t know if thatā€™s true, or if it was for a short period of time, but may be right.


(#dr3xrwq) In this kind of exercises, I like to propose some alternatives.

Perhaps instead of using TW/FB with my students, I could motivate them to join twtxt, run their own servers, and host their own data.
Teaching them how to make money without the dependence of giant corporations, which is not easy, but itā€™s feasible.

Well, thatā€™s all that was on my mind, but itā€™s always an interesting topic to discuss with my friends while we drink a beer šŸ» or a good wine šŸ·. Cheers!


(#dndgwsq) So, many new technologies were created on top of that ā€˜goodā€™ system.
Proof-of-stake, Proof of authority, Proof of weight, and many more.
They are re-centralizing a decentralized system to hold monetary value (not digital cash, since thatā€™s another topic).

Finally, when we mix a social network/media/platform with all those abstract technologies developed in the last 15 years to hold monetary value, we are in a crazy world of unfulfilled promises, but which people want.
I understand why that exists. Why generative AI is a trend now. Why Crypto was told as a future, and such.

So, answering the question:

How many people truly believe blockchain social networks are the future?

I think there is a significant amount of people. I saw it at events and conferences. If many people believe in that, and somehow benefit from it, itā€™s enough to start a movement. Iā€™ve seen that in traditional streaming, video game stores, Roblox, and many more.

I think that Social media is toxic enough when attention and personal information are sold in exchange for a fun platform, and a free way to get in contact with friends and family.
But also itā€™s a tool for companies, big and small to sell stuff, which starts as something good, a way for small creatives to earn money from their craftsmanship.
But as has been discussed, soon an enshittification process begins.

As if likes, upvotes, hearts, and subscriptions werenā€™t narcissistic enough, letā€™s make people think someone wants to pay them with crypto to view their random posts online.

Iā€™m with you on this idea. It could be a pyramid. But the promise of earning real money also happens with traditional platforms (Meta, TikTok and such).
When real money (or crypto money, or worthless digital points) is in the equation, strange behaviors start to appear in creators and followers.


(#r63zi7a) Hmmmā€¦ Thatā€™s a pretty sensitive topic here, so I donā€™t know if you want to read different ideasā€¦ And we could write a whole book, but for the sake of intellectual discussion, letā€™s throw some points here.

Disclaimer: I briefly worked for a small crypto company in 2021 on the controversial Pay-to-win model using Enjin, Ethereum, and such. I received payments on crypto and paid people in other countries, being cheaper and easier than national services. I donā€™t think Iā€™m a crypto-bro, and I donā€™t want to work in that area anymore.

I donā€™t like to say ā€œeverything X is evilā€ or ā€œeverything Y is goodā€, based on beliefs, ideology, and tech-religion. But people need those. Even I need something to believe in. Decentralization is my current value.
I think thatā€™s the radical point of Crypto vs Not-Crypto.
ā€œYou are with us, or against us.ā€

As a technology, blockchain is, IMO, an amazing tool for decentralization, excuse the comparison, similar to BitTorrent. Proof of Work is problematic and itā€™s showing that when many people use it, itā€™s an environmental disaster.


(#2fo7y6q) Well, I use Metaā€™s services about once a week to contact people who only use FB, IG, and WA (developers from my country on Groups, friends on Messenger, and family). Here everyone uses Whatsapp 24/7 for work and leisure, and mobile carriers offer free access to Meta apps, so itā€™s difficult to avoid using those šŸ˜…

Iā€™m not a pictures person, so I push like 1 photo a year, but I adore microblogging: https://text.eapl.mx/microblogging

I use each service based on the kind of people Iā€™m talking to, mainly to start conversations or share thoughts.
Twitter was like the default for creativity and arts šŸŽØšŸ’», the reach and discovery of new people and content is decent (based on followers only), but a lot of people moved to Masto due to recent problems we all know.

No one uses Threads here (luckily) and I like twtxt a lot, but none of my close friends are here (yet) šŸ˜¬


(#tdjzg2q) well, this fork of pubtwtxt (web app to push twts to your twtxt file) has too many changes and different goals now (self-hosting a micro Web platform for a single user), that perhaps it should have a different name like twtxt-php šŸ¤”


(#gu5qfla) It sounds to me like those limits on password lengthā€¦ Like below 16 chars šŸ¤Ø

And it happened as well with the CLI tool I used: https://github.com/rsc/2fa

So I had to make another on Python to support more chars (and to improve the fuzzy search like on some mobile apps). Is anyone interested in that? Could be useful for you.


Iā€™m really surprised that some TOTP/2FA apps like Google Authenticator only support 6 or 8 digits, and even Aegis only supports 10. I know it could break things to allow 12 or 16, butā€¦ Come on! Is not that hard to allow any reasonable number!



Hey tell me about this I found on your feed? šŸ™

Sure! By the way it would be great to have your thoughts!

I have started drafting those here:

Those are: emoji (like on Gemini Station, an emoji instead of an image), lang (default language for every twt in the file, or specific for a single twt, like on Masto), version (to indicate which version of twtxt spec the txt file is using).

And I was checking that the hashing spec is prone to be extended from 7 characters to 10 or 11, so it would be great to know when that would happen.

Nice to greet you!


Iā€™m reading ā€œEverything is F*cked: A Book about Hopeā€ again. An uncomfortable reading on why we need hope and how we try to achieve it.
It makes me think a lot about my biases, public and privateā€¦

Well, I think itā€™s moment to start finishing the work week and prepare for the weekend. šŸ¤Ø


Today I found new -isms: Decentralism, federalism, centralism, distributismā€¦

Interesting how information collides with politics and ideology šŸ¤”
Buuut, thatā€™s nothing to worry about (yet).


Iā€™ve been really disconnected from twtxt due to work. Working on ETLs and Python all day long.

Not that bad, although I donā€™t want to work on the PHP client that much. Anyway, it has the min features to take a conversation, so it works as a minimalist client. šŸ˜…
