(#nqcozgq) Well, smol.pub has some unique features for the smol net community:
From the main page:

Smol Pub is tiny blogging service.
Web interface and CLI to manage your posts.
Accessible from Web, Gemini and Gopher.
Storage for your images.
Write custom CSS for web.
Attach your custom domain with SSL.
Export your posts.
No JavaScript, ads, or tracking technology.

I was using Gohugo and it was so painful to start writing, and push the HTML to the server, that I stopped writing. It was almost impossible to fix a typo on my phone or simply push a quick text.
Smol.pub is a typical blogging platform but compatible with Gemini, has a customizable interface and it just works.
And although is too simplistic, Gemtext works for me as an alternative to Markdown.

I wrote a bit about that here: https://text.eapl.mx/writing-in-2021
