(#uy2hfma) These are my thoughts currently (from IRC):

[10:40:20]  <prologic> Thinking about writing a do nothing framework in Go
[10:41:10]  <prologic> One in which consumers can define their procedure in their own repo
[10:42:07]  <prologic> And users can of the tool can execute any procedure that the binary has imported
[10:42:58]  <prologic> And eventually implement Run() to turn steps from manual ones to automated ones gradually
[14:51:34]  <xuu> Like for mocking against?
[14:51:43]  <xuu> Not sure I follow
[16:03:04]  <prologic> xuu basically for reducing the activation energy to complete otherwise manual procsses
[16:03:14]  <prologic> where you can gradually turn them into automated processes
[16:03:29]  <prologic> https://blog.danslimmon.com/2019/07/15/do-nothing-scripting-the-key-to-gradual-automation/
