(#c2afqsq) @movq@www.uninformativ.de Yeah, I don’t get it either. Some “security” scanner at work also complains about “dead” libraries all the time, just because the most recent commit is a few years or even just months old. What a giant joke.

This mindset might come from today’s kids who can build stuff only with gazillions of dependencies. And plenty of these suck, are full of bugs, vulnerabilities and bad code in general. So they have to be patched constantly. If one is always surrounded by that, it just feels normal. One might even come to the conclusion that it simply has to naturally be that way. And then, the incorrect deduction is that the project is abandoned, once there are no new commits in a week. It maybe doesn’t occur to these people that it is actually possible to work out differently.

To be fair, there is also a lot of unfinished and truly dead code out there. So that assures their theory even further, once they stumble across one of those projects.

And the same doesn’t only happen to private projects. All enterprise software systems also pull in so much stuff, that there is always something to update.

The lack of proper planning, just building and delivering buggy banana software in cycles and the mindset of shipping fast and often and doing things agile in general does not do this any favor. It just feels like today’s sofware is never ever finished. And if it finally reaches such a point, it must be dead.

I know of some otherwise reeeeaaaaally great software developers who also think that way. I don’t understand why they disagree with us here. :-?
