(#c2afqsq) @movq@www.uninformativ.de @prologic@twtxt.net Good analysis! Another aspect is: Trying out new stuff is appealing to a lot of people. I’m certainly not unguilty of that either. But when you experiment, things will naturally go wrong somewhere at some point. You probably don’t even know that at this point in time and realize this only much later. If at all.

To make it better, throwing things away and starting over with the newly aquired knowledge would be the right thing to do. But that doesn’t happen for a myriad of reasons. So you ended up with overly complex stuff.

A bit like building a prototype and keeping it alive forever. “Denn nichts hält länger als ein Provisorium.” – “Nothing is more definitive than the temporary.”

Then there comes in feature creep. And preliminary optim^Wfeatures, “hey, maybe somebody would like to bla in the future, let’s add this”.
